“Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules,” is an all-new animated movie based on the second book in Jeff Kinney’s wildly popular book series. The original song from the film, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro, is also available. Be sure to check everything out, and don’t forget to watch “Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules” on December 2, 2022, when it premieres on Disney . The riotous antics of angst-ridden, disaster-prone middle school student Greg Heffley continue in “Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules,” focusing this time around on his complicated relationship with older brother Rodrick. A spikey-haired high school student, Rodrick is lazy and undisciplined and spends way too much time practicing with his rock band, Löded Diper. While he loves to torment Greg, he ultimately has a deep affection for his younger brother. Directed by Luke Cormican (“Teen Titans Go!) and written and produced by Jeff Kinney, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules” features the voices of Brady Noon (“The Mighty Ducks Game Changers”), Ethan William Childress (“mixed-ish”), Edward Asner (“Up”), Chris Diamantopoulos (“Silicon Valley”), Erica Cerra (“Power Rangers”), and Hunter Dillon (“Deadpool 2”). “Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules” features the original song, “Can You Smell Us Now,” written and produced by Jon Levine, with lyrics by Jeff Kinney, and performed by Jimmy Tatro.
演员:杰克·迪伦·格雷泽 扎克·加利凡纳基斯 艾德·赫尔姆斯 奥利维娅·科尔曼 罗伯·德兰尼 贾斯蒂斯·史密斯 凯莉·坎特罗尔 里卡多·乌尔塔多 卡伦·麦卡锡 艾娃·摩士 马库斯·斯克里布纳 托马斯·巴布萨卡 Sarah Miller 宾利·卡鲁 Krupa Pattani 约翰·麦克米兰 梅根·马克兹柯 卢比·瓦克斯 大卫·曼金 利亚姆·佩恩 弗卢拉·博格 大卫·布伦斯 优素福·凯尔科尔 菲尔·拉马 伊恩·麦基 安德烈·鲁滨孙 杰登·桑德 Adam Tandy 薇薇安·叶 朱利安·赞恩 Tenley Molz
演员:塔拉·斯特朗 Ashleigh Ball 安德莉亚·利布曼 Tabitha St. Germain Cathy Weseluck Nicole Oliver
演员:波笛·约根森 克劳斯·布埃 Albert Rudbeck Lindhardt Lars Hjortshøj 拉斯马斯·伯格 Maria Lucia Rosenberg Herman Knop Flora Ofelia Hofman Lindahl Malte Houe Uffe Ellemann-Jensen